The Definitno of Insanity Is Doing the Same Thing Over and Over Again

For those of you that have been following my piece of work you will know that I am on a journey of overcoming my fearfulness of public speaking so that I tin can walk the talk of being an accurate leader and get the topics that I am passionate nigh out for discussion. This weekend I spoke at a TedX in Haneda (Tokyo) to a room full of young entrepreneurs and future leaders and I was so inspired and excited by the ideas they had.

The talks will exist published soon, but in the concurrently, here is the transcript of mine consummate with slides. I talked about Einstein'due south Definition of Insanity relating to how we can change the world. Enjoy...

The Definition of Insanity

One of the most well known and used definitions relating to alter came from Albert Einstein who said that 'Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results'.

I would like to build on that definition by calculation that information technology is as well, and more importantly in my opinion, thinking the same way over and over again and expecting different results. Why am I telling you this now?

In simple terms, we are impacting our world in a mode which is non sustainable and reactive action and current leadership doesn't seem to be irresolute that. If nosotros want to leave a world for future generations that is enjoyable and prosperous, we need to not only change what we are doing, but also how we are thinking nigh things.

Changing mindsets might be the well-nigh important human activity we can invest in correct at present.

We accept evolved to a level of intelligence and consciousness where we take very few natural predators. The nigh prominent are ourselves and time. Globe has gone through complete regeneration before. It is in no hurry to repair any damage we impart on it. If it takes a meg years to re-establish harmony so that is what information technology will do. However, it is us who has to make up one's mind if nosotros desire to be part of this eco organization or not.

So we have two things to focus on, ourselves and time, and we have the amazing human intellect and sensation as our tools for survival. My question is, is survival enough or is it more important for united states to imagine a hereafter where nosotros are actually thriving?

I would like to offering you lot 3 ideas for how we can fundamentally change and find sustainable balance in our interactions with each other and our environs. All 3 of them require significant mindset change and I truly believe that if nosotros can observe a way to collaboratively arroyo these ideas with marvel and imagination, we tin can time to come proof our world.

The outset thing I would like to talk to you about is Empowerment. Does it seem insane to yous that we are constantly fighting for the equal rights of women at the same time as educating our children  with social stereotypes that perpetuate inequality? We teach them that boys should exist masculine and girls should be feminine? We tell our boys that they must exist stiff and the 'human of the house' and our girls non to be snobby or aggressive.

The term to be 'like a girl' has get derogatory and has as well been used to suppress emotions in our boys and so that they no longer know how to deal with their feelings.

Insecurities, self limiting beliefs and lack of confidence are widespread problems in women around the world and depression, anxiety and stress is on the increase in men.

So, the first idea I would like to offer you is that we can create cultures and communities that are empowering for all, where feminine and masculine leadership energies are balanced, past going across seeking equality to educating and inspiring our future generations that everyone is unique and equal. Regardless of gender or whatever other limiting characterization that nosotros would currently put on them.

Nosotros take an amazing opportunity through our children, to change the mindset that currently exists and create a social club where equality isn't fifty-fifty a topic that needs talking well-nigh. Nosotros have an opportunity to empower our young to authentically bring their whole selves to everything that they practice and with that a beautiful balance of feminine energy to a globe that is run predominantly in the masculine.

Joseph Joubert said 'to teach is to learn twice'. If we teach our children to encompass rest, maybe nosotros will also reignite that deep knowing in us that understands the importance of remainder in all things.

The 2nd thing I would similar to talk to y'all about is innovation. Einstein'south definition of insanity really resonates when I am working with corporate companies on the topic of innovation, especially companies I take worked with in Japan. How can organisations expect to proactively create market need through inspirational products when they are using the exact same methods that they have always used to research and develop new ideas?

I have been told many times that Nippon is a take chances agin culture, and in many means it is. However, as I stand hither today I can see how this provides exciting opportunities to come across alter happen very quickly when this limiting belief is removed. If you are constantly told that yous are risk adverse and conservative, this will become a self fulfilling prophecy and your creativity will diminish. Can you lot see how that happens? If you are constantly told that yous accept limitless imagination and possibility, your creativity will increase. Can you feel the difference in free energy those words create?

Everything y'all encounter in this room was once impossible, from the microphone I am wearing to the phones we all have. At some point information technology took someone with imagination and courage to go beyond what people idea was possible and dare to make their dreams and ideas into our current reality.

Why not create a paradigm shift where creativity, imagination and play are paramount to organisational operation? Lets enter a child like state of limitless possibility when we look at how we can alive at present and sustain life on this planet. If you always spend time working with children you volition know that they often accept the near surprising and innovative ideas near things due to their limitless mindset.

Consumerism is a necessary part of our current reality but is unsustainable. Lets ask our children to teach us well-nigh how we can future proof our organisations and our world.

To go truly innovative nosotros too demand to seek multifariousness. Organisations that have variety in their innovation teams and around their boardroom tables are more likely to understand what the 7 billion unique individuals in the world might want and the best way to provide and sustain this.

Joseph Campbell created the concept of 'following your bliss' which means to find what you love doing and are passionate about and do more of it. If nosotros cover diversity and empower people to be authentically themselves, bringing their passions, talents and inventiveness into our organisations, without limiting their potential, our world will change. Following your bliss leads to happiness and balance between work and life.

I would like to meet united states create a new kind of organisation, one that identifies and unlocks the truthful potential in individuals and see's them every bit valued contributors rather than employees. An organisation where individuals can bring their whole self and the creativity this unleashes into the workplace. Where we move away from task descriptions and performance driven by quantity and focus instead on unique talents and quality ideas and solutions.

What changes could you lot make in your life and your workplace to create an surround that inspires imagination and limitless thinking, where ideas can be shared without judgement?

The tertiary idea I would like to talk to you about is competition and how insane it is that we live in a world fuelled by the constant need to be bigger, better, stronger, faster…the listing goes on. I am going to exist controversial here for a moment as I want to mention Darwin's Theory of Development which is a theory based on the survival of the fittest and promotes competition at the most fundamental levels of our culture.

I believe that it is theories such every bit Darwin's that accept justified united states of america creating a patriarchal, masculine society of dominating and conquering when actually this theory tin only be seen on a micro level in nature.

On a macro level, everywhere you wait in nature it is collaboration and competition inside the eco system that ensures balance and sustainability. We are the only species that is not working in collaboration with our natural habitat or the other species that likewise rely on it.

It is the thought that we are separate and in constant competition with each other that creates a destructive mindset which is what is happening to our ecosystem as I speak. Collaboration creates harmony and a earth where every living affair knows that it relies on every other living thing for survival.

I am sure everyone has heard what would happen to the earth if nosotros no longer had bees? We would lose all the plants that bees pollinate, all of the animals that eat those plants and then on up the food chain to united states. Our ecosystem is frail and we can see the devastating effects we are already having on information technology.

Nosotros are only top of the food chain because we take the intelligence to make weapons which are necessary in a competitive world, imagine what nosotros could exercise if we inverse our mindset to collaboration and used that intelligence to find our counterbalanced place in the ecosystem?

If we can create cultures and communities that are empowering for everyone, that tap into imagination and creativity inclusively and rely on collaboration rather than competition then I believe the whole world volition change.

Past questioning what we have been told to be truthful in conjunction with releasing our fears and limiting behavior we will become enlightened of our thoughts irresolute. From here we will observe a shift in our mindsets. Ultimately our deportment will change and we will no longer exist perpetuating a cycle of insanity. Rather, a cycle of collaboration and abundance will emerge every bit the new style of thinking and acting.

If you would like to know more about the work that we are doing please contact me or visit and


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