This is a guide about recovery disks for Acer computers for the following versions of Windows: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8.

A recovery disk is also known as a restore disc, repair disc, boot disc or rescue disk.

Acer Logo

Acer users can create a recovery and backup disk using the computer's installed Acer eRecovery Management software. This software is available in most computers made by Acer, by default – unless removed manually.

Looking for a recovery disk for Acer? Download Easy Recovery Essentials, our recovery and repair disk for Acer computers.

Note: Depending on your computer model the following screenshots and steps from these instructions might be slightly different.


  • 1 Download alternative recovery disk for Acer
  • 2 Create the recovery disks for Acer using Acer eRecovery Management
    • 2.1 Create the recovery disk in Windows XP
    • 2.2 Create the recovery disk in Windows Vista
    • 2.3 Create the recovery disk in Windows 7
    • 2.4 Create the recovery disk in Windows 8
  • 3 Restore Acer computers
    • 3.1 Restore instructions for Windows XP
    • 3.2 Restore instructions for Windows Vista
    • 3.3 Restore instructions for Windows 7
    • 3.4 Restore instructions for Windows 8
  • 4 Troubleshooting
    • 4.1 Acer eRecovery Management is not working
    • 4.2 Acer eRecovery Management is stuck
    • 4.3 Forgot the password for Acer eRecovery Management
      • 4.3.1 Default password
      • 4.3.2 Change the password
      • 4.3.3 Run Acer eRecovery Management in Safe Mode
      • 4.3.4 Find the aimdrs.dat file on the recovery partition
    • 4.4 Creating the USB recovery drive in Windows 8 doesn't work
  • 5 More Information
    • 5.1 Support Links
    • 5.2 Applicable Systems
    • 5.3 Applicable Models

Download alternative recovery disk for Acer

If the recovery partition of your Acer computer is corrupt or not working, you can download Easy Recovery Essentials that is compatible with Acer computers and with Windows XP, Vista, 7 or 8:

  • Microsoft Windows 8 (read more on our Windows 8 Recovery Disk and Repair Disc Download article)
  • Microsoft Windows 7 (read more on our Windows 7 Recovery Disk and Repair Disc Download article)
  • Microsoft Windows Vista (read more on our Windows Vista Recovery Disk and Repair Disc Download article)
  • Microsoft Windows XP (read more on our Windows XP Recovery and Repair Disk article)
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2003, 2008 and 2012 (read more on our Windows Server 2008 and 2012 Recovery Discs Download article)

EasyRE Home

You can burn Easy Recovery Essentials directly to a CD, DVD or a USB flash drive.

You can use its Automated Repair feature to automatically find and fix boot errors of your computer.

Download Easy Recovery Essentials for Acer

Note: Easy Recovery Essentials can not be used to install or reinstall Windows.

Create the recovery disks for Acer using Acer eRecovery Management

Acer computers have, by default, a recovery partition (similar to the recovery partition of Dell computers) that allows users to restore their Windows system.

The software that allows you to create a recovery media, reinstall Windows without the original installation disk and reinstall the drivers of your system is called Acer eRecovery Management.

The Acer eRecovery Management software

The Acer eRecovery Management software

The eRecovery Management software can look different, depending on your Acer model. Here is how it looks on computers with Windows XP:

The Acer eRecovery Management software on different Acer models

The Acer eRecovery Management software on different Acer models

The software for Windows 8 users should look like this:

The Acer eRecovery Management software for Windows 8 users

The Acer eRecovery Management software for Windows 8 users

Acer eRecovery Management allows you to:

  • Restore your Windows using Recovery Management
  • Create and use a recovery media (CD, DVD or USB)
  • Reinstall your system drivers and applications

Create the recovery disk in Windows XP

Windows XP users can create a recovery disk for their Acer computers (desktops, laptops/notebooks etc.) by following these instructions.

USB flash drives are not available as a recovery media for Windows XP users.

  1. Boot your computer. The AC adapter must be plugged in, if you have an Acer laptop.
  2. Go to Start and then All Programs.
  3. Find the Acer Empowering Technology folder.

    If the folder name is simply "Acer" and not "Acer Empowering Technology", follow the instructions for Windows Vista (find these below). Your Windows XP system uses a different software version with different steps.

  4. Click on Acer eRecovery Management.

    The Acer Empowering Technology folder

    The Acer Empowering Technology folder

  5. Click on the icon that appears in the bottom right of your desktop.

    The Acer eRecovery Management icon in Windows XP

    The Acer eRecovery Management icon in Windows XP

  6. Acer eRecovery Management now loads.

    The Acer eRecovery Management software on different Acer models

    The Acer eRecovery Management software in Windows XP

  7. If this is your first time loading the software program, it will ask you to:
    1. To enter a password for the software. Do so by following the wizard instructions. Keep the password easy to remember and safe.
    2. To create your first factory default settings image CD/DVD. If so, simply add the necessary blank CDs or DVDs (the software will mention how many disks you need) and click OK.At this step, this screen should appear like this:

      Acer eRecovery Management Factory Default Settings Image

      Acer eRecovery Management Factory Default Settings Image

  8. To create the recovery disk, click the Create button.
  9. Select the Full backup option and click Next. The Incremental backup (fast) option will be active after the first Full backup is done. Incremental backups are faster and they use less space.
  10. Enter a reference name for this backup and click Next.
  11. If the software program prompts to close all running programs, do so by clicking Yes and then Next.
  12. At the Do you want to continue? screen, make sure Yes is selected and click Next.

    Do you want to continue creating the backup discs?

    Do you want to continue creating the backup discs?

  13. The creation process starts.
  14. When the process is finished, a confirmation message will appear – Backup files have been successfully created -, click OK.
  15. Go to the Burn Disk tab of the software program. This should be at the bottom of the software's screen.
  16. Click on Burn a backup disk using user's backup. This option will burn your backups to a CD or DVD.

    Burn a backup disk item

    Burn a backup disk item

  17. Select your optical drive to use and click OK.
  18. Insert any additional CD or DVD needed when prompted.
  19. When the process is done, label these disks and keep them safe1

Create the recovery disk in Windows Vista

Users with Windows Vista installed can create a recovery disk for their Acer computer using these instructions:

  1. Power on your computer. The AC adapter must be plugged in for laptops.
  2. Go to Start and find the "Acer" folder. You can type Acer in the Search programs and files search bar.

    If the folder name is "Acer Empowering Technology", follow the instructions from Windows XP as your Windows Vista uses a different software version with slightly different steps.

  3. In this folder, click on Acer eRecovery Management.

    The Acer folder at Start

    The Acer folder at Start

  4. If Windows' User Account Control opens and asks for permission to run the program, click Yes.
  5. Click Backup from the left menu.
  6. Click on Create Factory Default Disc.

    Create Factory Default Disc

    Create Factory Default Disc

  7. Insert your first blank DVD.

    All DVDs you plan to use for this process must be blank.

    The software will notify you how many DVDs you need to create the set of recovery disks. When the first DVD is finished, the software will ask for the second DVD:

    Disc 1 is finished

    Disc 1 is finished

    Remove the first DVD, label it and then insert another blank DVD. And so on until the process is complete.

  8. When the software finishes the process, click Finish to exit the program.
  9. Your recovery disks are now created. Label them and keep them safe!

Create the recovery disk in Windows 7

Windows 7 users with Acer computers can follow these instructions to create the recovery disks. These instructions are similar with those of Windows Vista.

  1. Boot your computer. The AC adapter must be plugged in for any Acer laptops before starting this process.
  2. Go to Start and find the "Acer" folder in All Programs. You can type the folder name in the Search programs and files search bar.

    If the folder name is "Acer Empowering Technology" and not "Acer", follow the steps from Windows XP.

  3. Click on Acer eRecovery Management.

    The Acer folder at Start

    Find the Acer folder by clicking on Start

  4. Click Yes, if Windows UAC dialog opens and asks permission to run the software.
  5. Click Backup
  6. Click Create Factory Default Disc.

    Create Factory Default Disc

    Click on Create Factory Default Disc

  7. Insert the first DVD.

    All DVDs for this process must be blank.

  8. Insert the second DVD when prompted:

    Disc 1 is finished

    Disc 1 is finished. Insert disc 2

  9. Click Finish when the creation process is done
  10. Your recovery disks are now created. Label them with a permanent marker and keep them safe!

Create the recovery disk in Windows 8

Windows 8 users can create their set of recovery disks for Acer using the following instructions.

A CD or a DVD is not available as a recovery media for Windows 8. Use only USB flash drive with more than 16 GB in available file size. Make sure the drive you are about to use is blank. All previous data will be removed from the flash drive during this process.

  1. Boot the computer.
  2. When Windows 8 boots, simply start typing "recovery" to open the Windows 8 Search Charm (or press the Windows key and Q). A search result will appear for "Acer Recovery Management". Click on that name.

    Acer Recovery Management software in Windows 8

    Acer Recovery Management software in Windows 8

  3. If you receive this message – Do you want to allow the following program to make changes to this computer? – from the Windows 8 UAC (User Account Control), click Yes.
  4. The Acer Recovery Management software will now load.

    The Acer eRecovery Management software for Windows 8 users

    How Acer eRecovery Management software should look

  5. Click on Create Factory Default Backup.

    Create Factory Default Backup in Windows 8

    Create Factory Default Backup in Windows 8

  6. The "Create a recovery drive" screen will appear, click Next. You can leave the Copy the recovery partition from the PC to the recovery drive checkbox checked.
  7. When the "Select the USB flash drive" screen appears, make sure your USB flash drive is listed at the "Available drive(s)" list, it has at least 16 GB in available size and it's blank.

    All data from the USB flash drive will be removed. Backup your USB drive before using it as a recovery media.

  8. Click Next
  9. Click Create at the warning message Everything on the drive will be deleted. If you have any personal files on this drive, make sure you've backed up the files.
  10. The process of creating the recovery disk will now begin. It can take up to 30 minutes, if the "Copy the recovery partition" checkbox was checked, otherwise it will take less time.
  11. When the process is done, at the "The recovery drive is ready" screen, click Finish.
  12. Exit the software.
  13. Label your USB drive and keep it safe, away from damage of any kind or loss!

Restore Acer computers

You can restore your system using the recovery partition that comes bundled in with your Acer computer.

You can boot into the recovery mode by pressing and holding the Alt and F10 key, when the splash screen appears (at the Acer logo), after you restart your computer.

If you haven't created a backup disk of your computer using Acer eRecovery Management, you can only restore your computer to its factory default settings.

Restoring your computer to its factory default settings erases all data from your computer and reinstalls Windows. Backup your files before you continue with this process.

You can use the Browse/Backup files feature of Easy Recovery Essentials (our recovery and repair disk) to access and backup your files. Download Easy Recovery Essentials for Acer computers from here.

Restore instructions for Windows XP

Restore your Acer computer to its factory default settings or to the latest saved backup disk settings by following the instructions below.

If you are not able to boot into Windows XP to open Acer eRecovery Management, you need to:

  1. Restart your computer.
  2. Press and hold the Alt + F10 keys to boot into the Acer eRecovery Management software, when the Acer splash screen appears.

If you want to restore the computer to its default factory settings without using the recovery disks, these are the instructions:

  • If your computer has the Acer eRecovery Management software branded with Empowering Technology, continue with these instructions:
    1. Make sure the Restore tab is selected.

      Restore Tab in Acer eRecovery Management Empowering Technology

      Restore Tab in Acer eRecovery Management Empowering Technology

    2. Click on Restore system to factory default.
    3. Enter the Acer eRecovery Management software password. By default this is 000000 (6 zeros). If you can not remember it, go to Troubleshooting for more information and find out how you can recover the password.
    4. Confirm that you want to proceed with the restore process.

      This process erases all your data. Backup your files!

    5. Follow the next set of instructions from the wizard.
  • If the Acer eRecovery Management software your computer uses doesn't mention Empowering Technology, continue with these instructions:
    1. Click Restore from the left.

      Restore tab in Acer eRecovery Management

      Restore tab in Acer eRecovery Management

    2. Click on Completely Restore System to Factory Defaults.
    3. Select Yes when the "This process will reboot and restore your system" window appears.
    4. Click Start.
    5. Click OK to confirm.
    6. Your computer will now restart and boot into the Acer eRecovery Management program.
    7. At the "Notice" screen, click Next.
    8. Click Next at the "Restore Destination" screen.
    9. Click OK to confirm the action.
    10. The restore process should now start. It may take up to 30-40 minutes.
    11. When the Restore finished message appears, click OK.
    12. Your computer will restart and Windows will reconfigure. Your computer may restart afterwards.

If you want to restore the computer using your saved Acer recovery disks, follow these instructions. These apply for the Acer eRecovery Management software branded with the Empowering Technology name:

  1. Select the Restore tab.

    Restore Tab in Acer eRecovery Management Empowering Technology

    The Restore Tab

  2. Click on Recover system from CD/DVD.
  3. Insert the first disk of your recovery disks set into your optical drive.
  4. Confirm the process.

    This process will erase all your data. Backup your files first!

  5. Insert any of the next set of disks when prompted by the software.

Restore instructions for Windows Vista

If you want to restore the computer using the created Acer recovery disks, follow these steps. These instructions are for Windows Vista.

These steps are for the Acer eRecovery Management software without the Empowering Technology name. If your software version for the Windows Vista system is branded with Empowering Technology, follow the steps from Windows XP.

The Windows Vista software version should look like this:

The Acer eRecovery Management software

The Acer eRecovery Management software

The instructions are:

  1. Boot your computer and press F12 repeatedly to enter the Boot menu.
  2. When the Boot menu has loaded, use your arrow keys and select your optical drive, e.g. IDE CD-ROM Device
  3. Add your first disk from the recovery disk set and hit Enter.
  4. The recovery media should now load.
  5. Follow the instructions from the wizard to reinstall your Windows Vista.

Restore instructions for Windows 7

You can restore your Windows 7 using your saved sets of Acer recovery disks by following these instructions:

  1. Boot the computer.
  2. Press F12 repeatedly to enter the Boot menu.
  3. Select your optical drive, e.g. IDE CD-ROM Device, by using your arrow keys: and .
  4. Add the first disk from your recovery disks set.
  5. Hit Enter.
  6. Your Acer recovery media should load.
  7. Follow the wizard instructions to reinstall your Windows 7.

Restore instructions for Windows 8

If you are able to boot into Windows 8, you can restore your system by following these instructions:

  1. Press the Windows key and C to open the Search charm of Windows 8.
  2. Type "recovery" in the search bar.
  3. Select the Acer Recovery Management item.
  4. If you are being asked to allow this software program to make changes, click Yes.
  5. Click on Restore Factory Settings.

    Restore Factory Settings in Windows 8

    Restore Factory Settings in Windows 8

  6. Click Next.

    Restoring to Factory Settings will erase all your personal files. Backup your files first!

  7. Select either Just remove my files or Fully clean the drive (this is recommended).
  8. Click Reset to confirm.
  9. The restore process will now begin.
  10. Follow any wizard instructions after this process is done to setup your Windows 8 again.

If you are not able to boot into Windows 8, but have the USB recovery disk created, you can restore the system by following these instructions:

  1. Power off your computer.
  2. Insert the USB recovery disk.
  3. Power on the computer.
  4. Press F2 as soon as possible to enter BIOS. If you have a desktop from Acer, press Del instead.
  5. Navigate to the Boot tab of BIOS using your arrow keys: and .
  6. Find a "USB HDD" (this is your USB recovery disk) item from the list and highlight it by using your arrow keys: and .
  7. When "USB HDD" is selected, press F6 to move it at the top of the list. Depending on its current position, you may need to press F6 multiple times to move it up.
  8. Once "USB HDD" is at the top of the list, navigate to the Exit tab using your arrow keys: and .
  9. Highlight Exit Saving Changes using your arrow keys: and and hit Enter
  10. Make sure [Yes] is selected and hit Enter.
  11. Your computer will reboot.
  12. When Windows 8 starts again, select a keyboard language.
  13. Click on Troubleshoot.
  14. Click on Reset your PC.
  15. Click Next to confirm the action.

    This action will erase all your personal files. Backup your files before proceeding!

  16. Choose Windows 8 from the list.
  17. Select Yes, repartition the drives if you no longer have the recovery partition Acer to reinstall this. Otherwise, select No, keep the existing partitions.
  18. Select Just remove my files or Fully clean the drive. Fully clean the drive longer, but cleans the entire drive (this is recommended).
  19. Click Reset.
  20. The process will now start.
  21. Once the process is finished, the "Choose an option" screen will appear.
  22. Remove the USB recovery disk.
  23. Click Continue at the "Choose an option" screen.

    Choose an option at boot

    Choose an option at boot

  24. Follow the wizard instructions to setup your Windows 8 again.


Acer eRecovery Management is not working

Acer eRecovery Management may not work if the D2D recovery option in the computer's BIOS is disabled.

You can enable D2D Recovery option by following these instructions:

  1. Boot your computer.
  2. Press F2 when the plash screen appears to open BIOS.
  3. Navigate to Main tab by using the arrow keys ( and ).
  4. See if the D2D Recovery item (usually the last item in the menu) is marked as [Enabled] or [Disabled].If D2D Recovery is [Disabled], use the arrow keys ( and ) to select the D2D Recovery item and once it's selected (highlighted), press Enter and then select Enabled.

Acer eRecovery Management is stuck

The Acer eRecovery Management can be stuck at various steps during either the process of creating the set of recovery disks or through the process of restoring the computer settings.

Common issues is having the software stuck at 0% or 99% or at loading files.

The hard disk or the Acer recovery partition (required to restore the computer to default settings) might be corrupted.

You can try one of the following fixes (or both) below.

If the recovery partition from Acer is corrupted and you don't have a create recovery disk set, you may not be able to restore your computer.

You can use Easy Recovery Essentials (our recovery and repair disk) to automatically find and fix boot errors. Download Easy Recovery Essentials.

Fix #1: Remove any peripherals from your computer and leave only the essentials (keyboard and mouse): printers, USB flash drives, scanners etc.

Fix #2: You can run the chkdsk command through Command Prompt to verify the integrity of your hard drive.

chkdsk will check for hard drive bad sectors. If any bad sectors are found, chkdsk will try to repair the sectors resulting in potential data lost found in any of those sectors. Backup your computer!

You need to have your Windows installation CD to boot into Recovery Console and access Command Prompt.

If you don't have the original Windows CD, you can download Easy Recovery Essentials, our recovery and repair disk for Windows. If your computer displays boot errors, you can run the Automated Repair feature to automatically find and fix boot errors.

Run the chkdsk command by following these steps:

  1. Insert your Windows installation CD.
  2. Restart your computer to boot from the installation CD.
  3. Press any key when the "Press any key to boot from CD" message appears on your computer.
  4. Depending on your Windows version, follow these steps:
    • If you have Windows XP:
      1. Press R to open the Recovery Console at the Options menu.
      2. Type in your Administrator password.
      3. Hit Enter.
    • If you have Windows Vista or Windows 7:
      1. Select "Repair your computer" after you select your language, time and keyboard method.
      2. Select your Windows installation drive (usually C:\) and click Next.
      3. Click on Command Prompt from the System Recovery Options box.
  5. When Command Prompt opens, type the following command:
    chkdsk /f /r

    Windows Vista and 7 users may need to add the hard drive letter after chkdsk, like this:

    chkdsk C: /f /r

    where C: (without a trailing slash: /) is where you have Windows installed (usually C:).

  6. After the chkdsk process is completed, restart your computer.
  7. Try running Acer eRecovery Management again.

Forgot the password for Acer eRecovery Management

Default password

Acer eRecovery Management software default password is 000000 (6 zeros).

Change the password

If you need to change the password, but you are able to boot your computer follow these instructions.

Depending on your Acer computer model the following options can be slightly different, but you should be able to change the password.

  1. Boot your computer and find the Acer eRecovery Management software (start by clicking Start, go to All Programs and find the "Acer" folder or the "Acer Empowering Technology" folder).
  2. When the software opens, either select Password: Change eRecovery Password and click Next (if you have this options; this depends on your software version) or go to Settings where you should find an option to change your password.

Run Acer eRecovery Management in Safe Mode

If you are not able to boot into Windows, you can try running Acer eRecovery Management in Safe Mode and try changing the password from this mode.

To boot into Safe Mode, follow these instructions:

  • Windows XP users:
    1. Press F8 multiple times before Windows XP splash screen appears.
    2. Select "Safe Mode with Networking" from the Options menu.
  • Windows Vista users:
    1. Press F8 multiple times before the Windows Vista splash screen is shown.
    2. Select the Safe Mode option from the Advanced Boot Options menu.
  • Windows 7 users:
    1. Press F8 repeatedly after you restarted your computer.
    2. Select Safe Mode from the Options menu.
  • Windows 8 users:
    1. Restart your computer and immediately hold the Shift key and click on the Restart key.
    2. When the Startup Settings screen appears, select the Safe Mode option.

Find the aimdrs.dat file on the recovery partition

If you are not able to boot into Windows or run the software in Safe Mode to change the password, you can try the following alternative: finding the aimdrs.dat file on the recovery partition.

You need to use a live Linux CD to run commands in Terminal. When Terminal is open, run these commands:

  1. Type ls /dev/sda1, hit Enter.

    If your computer has SATA drives, run ls /dev/sda1. Otherwise, run ls /dev/hda1.

  2. Type cd /mnt, hit Enter.
  3. Type mkdir acer, hit Enter.

    If you receive a "permission denied" error, run sudo mkdir acer.

  4. Type ls, hit Enter to verify that an "acer" appears listed (folder created).
  5. Type mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/acer, hit Enter.

    If you receive the a "permission denied" error, run sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/acer.

    If you used hda1 at step #1, replace sda1 with hda1. In this case, the command would be mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/acer.

  6. Type cd /mnt/acer, hit Enter.
  7. Type ls, hit Enter. A list of files should be listed now, one of each should be named as aimdrs.dat.
  8. Type cat aimdrs.dat, hit Enter.
  9. Your Acer eRecovery Management password should be at the [MyData] tab, under this format:
    [MyData] PD=your_password

    Or it can be under this format:

    [MyData] PASSWORD=your_password

Creating the USB recovery drive in Windows 8 doesn't work

If the Acer Recovery Management software for Windows 8 displays errors when creating the USB recovery drive, make sure you have all the Microsoft Windows updates available and installed to your computer.

Microsoft released a hotfix for this issue in May, 2013.

Your Windows 8 system must have the updates released in May, 2013 by Microsoft installed.

More Information

Support Links

  • Easy Recovery Essentials for Windows – our repair and recovery disk.

    It's an easy-to-use and automated diagnostics disk. It's available for Windows 8, Windows 7 and Windows Vista. It's also available for Windows XP and Windows Server.

    Read more at Windows Recovery Disks.

  • The NeoSmart Support Forums, member-to-member technical support and troubleshooting.
  • Get a discounted price on replacement setup and installation discs: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8.

Applicable Systems

This Windows-related knowledgebase article applies to the following operating systems:

  • Windows XP (all editions)
  • Windows Vista (all editions)
  • Windows 7 (all editions)
  • Windows 8 (all editions)
  • Windows 8.1 (all editions)
  • Windows Server 2003 (all editions)
  • Windows Server 2008 (all editions)
  • Windows Server 2012 (all editions)

Applicable Models

This Acer-related knowledge base article applies to the following computer models:

  • Aspire series: 1300, 1350, 1360, 1400, 1410, 1420P, 1430, 1430Z, 1500, 1520, 1551, 1640, 1640Z, 1650, 1660, 1670, 1680, 1690, 1700, 1710, 1800, 1810T, 1810TZ, 1820PT, 1830, 1830T, 1830TZ, 2000, 2010, 2020, 2420, 2430, 2920, 2920Z, 2930, 2930Z, 3000, 3050, 3100, 3500, 3600, 3610, 3620, 3630, 3640, 3650, 3660, 3680, 3690, 3750, 3750G, 3750Z, 3750ZG, 3810T, 3810TZ, 3820T, 3820TG, 3820TZ, 3830, 3830G, 3830T, 3830TG, 3935, 4220, 4230, 4250, 4251, 4252, 4253, 4310, 4315, 4320, 4330, 4332, 4333, 4336, 4339, 4349, 4350, 4350G, 4352, 4352G, 4410, 4520, 4520G, 4530, 4535, 4535G, 4540, 4540G, 4551, 4551G, 4552, 4552G, 4553, 4553G, 4560, 4560G, 4625G, 4710, 4710G, 4710Z, 4710ZG, 4715Z, 4720, 4720G, 4720Z, 4720ZG, 4730, 4730Z, 4730ZG, 4732Z, 4733Z, 4735Z, 4735ZG, 4736, 4736G, 4736Z, 4736ZG, 4738, 4738G, 4738Z, 4738ZG, 4739, 4739Z, 4740, 4740G, 4741, 4741G, 4741ZG, 4743, 4743Z, 4745, 4745G, 4745Z, 4749, 4749Z, 4750, 4750G, 4750Z, 4750ZG, 4752, 4752G, 4752Z, 4752ZG, 4755, 4755G, 4810T, 4810TG, 4810TZ, 4810TZG, 4820, 4820G, 4820T, 4820TG, 4820TZ, 4820TZG, 4830, 4830G, 4830T, 4830TG, 4830Z, 4920, 4920G, 4925, 4925G, 4930, 4930G, 4930ZG, 4935, 4935G, 4937, 4937G, 5000, 5010, 5020, 5030, 5040, 5050, 5100, 5110, 5220, 5230, 5235, 5250, 5251, 5252, 5253, 5310, 5315, 5320, 5330, 5332, 5333, 5334, 5335, 5336, 5338, 5342, 5349, 5350, 5410, 5500, 5500Z, 5510, 5515, 5516, 5517, 5520, 5520G, 5530, 5530G, 5532, 5534, 5535, 5536, 5536G, 5538, 5538G, 5540, 5541G, 5542, 5542G, 5550, 5551, 5551G, 5552, 5552G, 5553, 5553G, 5560, 5560G, 5570, 5570Z, 5580, 5590, 5600, 5610, 5610Z, 5620, 5625, 5625G, 5630, 5650, 5670, 5680, 5710, 5710G, 5710Z, 5710ZG, 5715Z, 5720, 5720G, 5720Z, 5720ZG, 5730, 5730G, 5730Z, 5730ZG, 5732Z, 5732ZG, 5733, 5733Z, 5734Z, 5735, 5735Z, 5736G, 5736Z, 5737Z, 5738, 5738DG, 5738DZG, 5738G, 5738PG, 5738PZG, 5738Z, 5738ZG, 5739, 5739G, 5740, 5740DG, 5740G, 5741, 5741G, 5741Z, 5741ZG, 5742, 5742G, 5742Z, 5742ZG, 5745, 5745DG, 5745G, 5745P, 5745PG, 5745Z, 5749, 5749Z, 5750, 5750G, 5750Z, 5750ZG, 5755, 5755G, 5810T, 5810TG, 5810TZ, 5810TZG, 5820, 5820G, 5820T, 5820TG, 5820TZ, 5820TZG, 5830G, 5830T, 5830TG, 5910, 5910G, 5920, 5920G, 5925G, 5930, 5930G, 5930Z, 5935G, 5940G, 5942G, 5943G, 5951G, 6530, 6530G, 6920, 6920G, 6930, 6930G, 6930Z, 6930ZG, 6935, 6935G, 7000, 7100, 7110, 7220, 7230, 7235G, 7250, 7250G, 7315, 7320, 7330, 7339, 7520, 7520G, 7530, 7530G, 7535, 7535G, 7540, 7540G, 7551, 7551G, 7552G, 7560, 7560G, 7715Z, 7720, 7720G, 7720Z, 7720ZG, 7730, 7730G, 7730Z, 7730ZG, 7735, 7735G, 7735Z, 7735ZG, 7736, 7736G, 7736Z, 7736ZG, 7738G, 7739, 7739G, 7739Z, 7739ZG, 7740, 7740G, 7741, 7741G, 7741Z, 7741ZG, 7745, 7745G, 7745Z, 7750, 7750G, 7750Z, 7750ZG, 8530, 8530G, 8730, 8730G, 8730ZG, 8735, 8735G, 8735ZG, 8920G, 8930G, 8935G, 8940G, 8942G, 8943G, 8950G, 8951G, 9100, 9110, 9120, 9300, 9400, 9410, 9410Z, 9420, 9500, 9510, 9520, 9800, 9810, 9920, 9920G, E1-410, E1-410G, E1-421, E1-422, E1-422G, E1-430, E1-430G, E1-430P, E1-431, E1-431G, E1-432, E1-432G, E1-432P, E1-451G, E1-470, E1-470G, E1-470P, E1-470PG, E1-471, E1-471G, E1-472, E1-472G, E1-472P, E1-510, E1-510P, E1-521, E1-522, E1-530, E1-530G, E1-531, E1-531G, E1-532, E1-532G, E1-532P, E1-532PG, E1-570, E1-570G, E1-571, E1-571G, E1-572, E1-572G, E1-572P, E1-572PG, E1-731, E1-731G, E1-732G, E1-771, E1-771G, E1-772, E1-772G, EC-471G, R7-571, R7-571G, R7-572, R7-572G, V3-431, V3-471, V3-471G, V3-531, V3-531G, V3-551, V3-551G, V3-571, V3-571G, V3-731, V3-731G, V3-771, V3-7710, V3-7710G, V3-771G, V3-772G, , M3-481, M3-481G, M3-580G, M3-581G, M3-581PT, M3-581PTG, M3-581T, M3-581TG, M5-481, M5-481G, M5-481PT, M5-481PTG, M5-481T, M5-481TG, M5-581G, M5-581T, M5-581TG, M5-582PT, M5-583P, P3-131, P3-171, S3-331, S3-371, S3-391, S3-392, S3-392G, S3-951, S5-391, S7-191, S7-391, S7-392, V5-121, V5-122P, V5-123, V5-131, V5-132, V5-132P, V5-171, V5-431, V5-431G, V5-431P, V5-431PG, V5-452G, V5-452PG, V5-471, V5-471G, V5-471P, V5-471PG, V5-472, V5-472G, V5-472P, V5-472PG, V5-473, V5-473G, V5-473P, V5-473PG, V5-531, V5-531G, V5-531P, V5-531PG, V5-551, V5-551G, V5-552, V5-552G, V5-552P, V5-552PG, V5-561, V5-561G, V5-561P, V5-561PG, V5-571, V5-571G, V5-571P, V5-571PG, V5-572, V5-572G, V5-572P, V5-572PG, V5-573, V5-573G, V5-573P, V5-573PG, V7-481, V7-481G, V7-481P, V7-481PG, V7-482P, V7-482PG, V7-581, V7-581G, V7-581P, V7-581PG, V7-582P, V7-582PG, 1100X, 1110X, 1600X, 1601M, 1601X, 1602M, 6100, 6400, 6600, C500, E360, E380, E500, E560, E571, E600, E650, E700, EL, ELD, G3-605, G7700, G7710, G7750, IDea500, IDea510, L100, L310, L320, L350, L3600, L5100, M1100, M1200, M1201, M1202, M1420, M1470, M1600, M1610, M1620, M1640, M1831, M1860, M1920, M1930, M1935, M3100, M3160, M3200, M3201, M3202, M3203, M3300, M3400, M3410, M3420, M3450, M3470, M3470G, M3600, M3640, M3660, M3710, M3800, M3802, M3860, M3900, M3910, M3920, M3970, M3970G, M3985, M5100, M5200, M5201, M5400, M5600, M5620, M5621, M5630, M5640, M5641, M5700, M5800, M5802, M5810, M5811, M5910, M7720, MC605, ME600, R1600, R3600, R3610, R3700, SA10, SA20, SA60, SA80, SA85, SA90, T100, T135, T136, T160, T180, T300, T3-100, T320, T3-600, T3-605, T600, T630, T650, T660, T670, T671, T680, T690, TC-100, TC-102, TC-105, TC-600, TC-603, TC-605, X1200, X1300, X1301, X1400, X1420, X1420G, X1430, X1430G, X1440, X1470, X1700, X1800, X1900, X1920, X1930, X1935, X3-100, X3200, X3300, X3400, X3400G, X3450, X3470, X3475, X3-600, X3810, X3812, X3910, X3950, X3960, X3990, X3995, X5810, XC100, XC-105, XC600, XC-602, XC-603, XC-603G, XC-605, 5600U, 7600U, U5-610, Z1100, Z1110, Z1220, Z1620, Z1650, Z1800, Z1801, Z1810, Z1811, Z1850, Z3100, Z3101, Z3-105, Z3170, Z3171, Z3280, Z3-600, Z3-605, Z3-610, Z3620, Z3730, Z3731, Z3760, Z3761, Z3770, Z3771, Z3800, Z3801, Z5101, Z5600, Z5610, Z5700, Z5710, Z5730, Z5751, Z5760, Z5761, Z5770, Z5771, Z5801, ZC-102, ZC-105, ZC-602, ZC-605, ZC-610, ZS600, ZS600G
  • Aspire One series: AO521, AO522, AO531h, AO532h, AO533, AO721, AO722, AO725, AO751h, AO752, AO753, AO756, AOA110, AOA150, AOD150, AOD250, AOD255, AOD255E, AOD257, AOD260, AOD270, AOD271, AOHAPPY, AOHAPPY2, AOP531h
  • Ferrari series: 1000, 1100, 3000, 3200, 3400, 4000, 5000
  • Extensa series: 2000, 2300, 2350, 2500, 2600, 2900, 2900D, 2900E, 2950, 3000, 3100, 4010, 4100, 4120, 4130, 4210, 4220, 4230, 4420, 4430, 4620, 4620Z, 4630, 4630G, 4630Z, 4630ZG, 500, 5010, 5120, 5200, 5210, 5220, 5230, 5230E, 5235, 5410, 5420, 5420G, 5430, 5510, 5510Z, 5610, 5610G, 5620, 5620G, 5620Z, 5620ZG, 5630, 5630EZ, 5630G, 5630Z, 5630ZG, 5635, 5635G, 5635Z, 5635ZG, 6600, 6700, 6700Z, 710, 7120, 7220, 7230, 7230E, 7420, 7620, 7620G, 7620Z, 7630, 7630EZ, 7630G, 7630Z, 7630ZG
  • Veriton series: A430_31, A430_51, Z2610G, Z2611G, Z2620G, Z2621G, Z2630G, Z2640G, Z2650G, Z2660G, Z280G, Z290G, Z291G, Z410G, Z430, Z431G, Z4610G, Z4611G, Z4620G, Z4621G, Z4630G, Z4631G, Z6610G, Z6611G

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